Bengkulu Regional Secretary Calls Compact Airlines To Raise Aircraft Rentals Departing For Hajj 2023, Governor Hopes To Be Patched From BTT Funds
BENGKULU - Bengkulu Governor wrote to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) regarding the use of unexpected expenditure funds (BTT) to increase the cost of Hajj departures in 2023. "This decision is based on the results of the meeting, taking into account all aspects and we will consult with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Governor wrote to the Ministry of Home Affairs to ask for instructions from the Ministry of Home Affairs," said Bengkulu Province Secretary (Sekda) Hamka Sabri in Bengkulu City, Tuesday 18 April, was confiscated by Antara. Hamka said that the plane rental price for the departure of Bengkulu Province 2023 pilgrims had increased. He claimed that almost all compact airlines raised aircraft leases ranging from Rp12 billion to Rp16 billion. The increase in aircraft rental prices was beyond planning or unexpected, because the Bengkulu Provincial Government had provided an aircraft rental budget in the Bengkulu Province Regional Expenditure Revenue Budget (APBD) 2023 amounting to Rp6 billion. This is not an unexpected plan, but there is something. Because all costs rose to swell. Then the additional NPHD from 11 people rose to 15 people and the cost per person from Rp70 to 80 million. That is what caused the budget shortage," he said. In addition, the government also coordinates with the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding any budget that can be used to cover the shortage of Hajj aircraft leases other than BTT. Related to the BTT budget may or not be used, the Financial Audit Agency (BPK) and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) handed back to the Bengkulu Provincial Government.
Previously, the Bengkulu Provincial Government prepared Rp10 billion from the 2023 Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for prospective hajj pilgrims facilities until they arrived at the Padang embarkation, West Sumatra. Head of the Government and People's Welfare Bureau of the Bengkulu Province Regional Secretariat Syariffudin said that the Rp10 billion consisted of aircraft rental costs of Rp6 billion to Rp6.5 billion. "The Bengkulu Provincial Government has prepared a budget of Rp10 billion to lease planes, buses, facilities for other prospective hajj pilgrims until they arrive at the embarkation," he said.