5 Recipes Of Ketupat Process For Eid Dishes, So It's Not Just Opor

YOGYAKARTA - Ketupat is a food that always exists during Eid al-Fitr. Eid moments feel incomplete if there is no ketupat table on the table. Usually ketupat is served in various processed foods. There are several ketupat processed recipes that you can make easily at home.

Ketupat is a rice cooked wrapped in coconut leaves. The cooking method is sufficient to be boiled to cooked. Ketupat dishes are usually served to guests who come to the house during Eid. In addition to cooking what is not complicated, the ingredients needed in the recipe processed ketupat are also simple and easy to obtain.

Ketupat can be processed into various foods that can be chosen according to the taste of its connoisseurs. Ketupat is most often served as a chicken opor. In order not to just opor chicken, there are several other ketupat processed recipes that you also need to try.

Ketupat is a food ingredient that can be processed in various types of culinary. So that the Eid moment feels more delicious and not boring, some of the following recipes processed ketupat need to be made.


Kuah seasoning:

Additional ingredients:

How to create:


Complementary materials:

Smooth seasonings:

How to cook:


Cemplung material:

Smooth seasonings:

How to create:


How to create:


How to create:

Those are the recommendations for several ketupat processed recipes for Eid dishes. The ingredients for the above recipes can be obtained easily in the market and supermarkets. How are you ready to try cooking yourself at home?

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