JAKARTA The post-metal unit Amerta is recording their debut album which will be released in the near future.

Like their previous songs, this album is still being produced by Ricky Siahaan. However, Amerta has not fully explained the schedule and title of the album in his Instagram upload some time ago.

"As you know, we've been working on our debut album for the past year. And it's getting more and more real because recently we finally finished recording nine drum tracks on @soundvervestudio. It was an explosion beating the drums there! We also want to thank @madindisaster for connecting us to a vicious drum set," he said.

"We're looking forward to the next studio session," he straightforwardly said.

"The story is not over yet; we want to share the story behind this album, so that soon there will be videos documenting our recording process. Get ready," concluded the post metal unit.

Post-metal is a type of music rooted in heavy metal but contains exploration of other genres. These genres usually dwell on the experimental composition with a long duration, which further emphasizes atmosphere, emotions, and progressiveness.

These various elements were proven in a band fronted by Raja Pangabean (guitar), Auliya Akbar (drums), Anida Bajumi (bass), Techa Aurellia (vocals), and Lody Andrian (synthesizer) through two songs such as Bleeker (2020) and Chevron (2022).