JAKARTA Memories of today, 13 years ago, March 24, 2010, Former First Lady, Hasri Ainun Besari Habibie was treated intensively in Germany. He was treated for complications of illness. Moreover, doctors have diagnosed Ainun with tumors in his lungs.

This condition made her husband, Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie sad that he didn't play. He also continued to accompany his wife through the critical phase. Previously, the story of Habibie and Ainun was considered by all Indonesian people as the perfect embodiment of true love.

Habibie and Ainun are often used as role models in the form of true love. They also understand very well the closeness of the two began to emerge since they were in school. Both are registered as students at Kristen Dago High School, Bandung.

Habibie and Ainun are known as intelligent people. Habibie is known as a class star in the field of science for sure. While Ainum is reliable in all fields. Their intelligence bore sweet fruit. Classes including teachers often match the two. Even though the two are still shy.

Habibie's desire to get to know Ainun further was disturbed. Both were separated by their dreams. Habibie wants to continue his dream of becoming an aerospace expert. He studied and worked in Germany. While Ainun has an interest in continuing his education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (UI).

If you have a mate, you will not go anywhere. Fate brought the two back together. Habibie, who at that time only got time off from returning to Indonesia, did not want to waste the opportunity. They were dating and both married in 1962.

Since then, the two have promised to find it difficult to enjoy together. Ainun's support is second to none. He was able to motivate Habibie to become a big figure. In fact, until Habibie could become President of Indonesia.

In addition, he must continue his lessons to obtain a Doctor's degree. Ainun his wife had to go to Germany, therefore he had to first take care of and complete the letters from RS Cipto Mangunkusumo and from the Government of Indonesia.

BJ Habibie was ordered by his father-in-law: Ainun, your wife has become your right. Mother asked not to let your wife be hurt. Habibie then promised: Oh no, ma'am. If I hurt Ainun, like I hurt myself," said A. Makmur Makka in the book Mr. Crack From Parepare (2018).

Ainun's loyalty to Habibie cannot be doubted. She was able to accompany her husband in difficult times though. Vice versa. Especially when Ainun's condition was seriously ill in early 2010. Habibie took his wife to receive intensive care in Germany on March 24, 2010.

Habibie took care of his wife at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Hospital, Klinium Gro'hadern, Munich, Germany. His wife's condition worsened too. Because, Ainun has a number of diseases that eat away at her body. Tumor in her lungs, especially. The disease forced Ainun through her critical phases in Germany until she died on May 22, 2010.

The doctor diagnosed a tumor in Ainun's lungs. He was not recommended to live in a tropical area with a high humidity level The new doctor gave Ainun permission to return to Indonesia if his health had improved. Meanwhile, Ainun had to undergo surgery 12 times to lift her ovarian krypter, because this cancer had spread to her stomach.

Habibie has worked hard to treat his beloved wife. However, God said otherwise. On Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 17.30 Munich time, Ainun breathed his last. On Monday morning, May 24, 2010, Ainun's body was taken to the airport at around 07.00 Munich time (12.00 WIB), because it had to go through administrative completion before being flown to Indonesia, "explained Jonar T. H. Situmorang in the book BJ Habibie: Si Jenius (2017).