JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has classified corruption as an extraordinary crime. Behavior that robs people of basic rights to get a decent living or public service.

But the reality, according to the Director of Strategic Polythetics, M Subhan, is very different. Instead of being an extraordinary crime, corruptors often get leniency. In fact, they still get political rights.

It is still permissible to register as a candidate for legislative member on the grounds that the rules regarding the requirements for prospective members of the DPR, Provincial DPRD, and DPRD as stated in Article 240 paragraph 1 letter g of Law Number 7 of 2017 do not mention specifically the prohibition for former convicts of corruption cases.

The news is that some have been appointed as ministerial special staff, whether true or not. "It is morally and ethically very inappropriate. How can it be called extraordinary crime. Corruption should not be equated with other crimes," Subhan told VOI on March 14, 2023.

Subhan alluded to the issue of the appointment of the former Purbalingga Regent who was involved in corruption, Tasdi as the special staff of the Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos). The issue of the appointment of the former corruption convict as a special staff of the Minister of Social Affairs has been directly denied by Social Minister Tri Rismaharini.

Moreover, is there a guarantee that after taking office he will not do the same thing. In fact, according to Subhan, they will tend to be calculative.

Corruption was sentenced to 10-12 years in prison, for example. Then you get all kinds of reduced sentences of up to 3-4 years. After being released, he becomes an official again, starting from the discussion, corruption is a billion if only three years means how much, and all kinds of things. It's happening now," said Subhan.

If that continues, Indonesia's dream of becoming a developed country will not materialize, it could even become even worse. Look what happened to Kenya, Sudan, or Somalia. All three are countries with abundant natural wealth.

However, due to the dilapidated morals and ethics of its officials, corruption was rampant, causing the people to suffer and end up in conflict. Somalia was even recorded as the second poorest country in the world in 2021 with a gross national income rate per capita of only 450 US dollars according to the Business Insider.

Currently, according to Transparency International, Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score has dropped four points, from 38 in 2021 to 34 in 2022. This made Indonesia's ranking drop to 110 from 180 countries.

The decline in the score, said Deputy Secretary General of Transparency International Indonesia (TII) Wawan Heru Suyatmiko, was the impact of weak law enforcement because law enforcement officers were still found to be involved in corruption.

Also, because many policy makers concurrently serve as entrepreneurs, conflicts of interest arise.

"So that in the end it affects the policies issued. In addition, the planned licensing and development project is full of corruption content," said Wawan as quoted by Tempo.

The Corruption Perception Index is an illustration of the condition of corruption in a country. The lower the score, the worse the corruption in the country.

In addition to law enforcement, said Subhan, things that make corrupt behavior more rampant are also due to the lack of morals and ethics. There is almost no more shame in cheating.

Look at how many regional leaders are involved in corruption, how many members of the legislature and judiciary are also involved in corruption. I'm not mistaken if I say the spirit of eradicating corruption, collusion, and nepotism during reform has failed. Now, corruptors continue to circulate from the center of power to small kings in the regions," he said.

"Never mind the construction or procurement of goods projects, COVID-19 social assistance funds that are actually intended for the poor only in corruption. The Chancellor has OTT, it's sad. The Indonesian Sky is really collapsing," Subhan added.

That's why it takes real efforts to eradicate corruption. If necessary, said Subhan, cut a generation so as not to have a bad influence on its lower generation.

"If you can't, law enforcement for corruptors can't be negotiated anymore. As long as there is no law enforcement, as long as corruptors still get legal leniency, as long as corruptors are still given many privileges, corrupt behavior in Indonesia will not disappear," he said.

Make the law in accordance with its objectives, to deter criminals, protect common interests, and prevent conflicts.