DILAN's Pantun And Convincing Performance Of Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda In The Makassar Pilkada Debate

MAKASSAR - Member of the DPR from the PKB faction, Andi Muawiyah Ramli (Amure) said the candidate pair number 3 in the Makassar Pilkada, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (DILAN), was the most superior and prominent in describing their vision and mission and programs.

According to Amure, there are a number of advantages of DILAN in the Makassar Pilkada debate, Saturday, November 7. First, the doctoral and doctor pair have mastered material related to the theme 'Socio-Culture, Security, Education, Transportation, Environment and Transportation'. DILAN, according to him, offers a solution program for the Makassar problem which is the topic of discussion.

"DILAN's performance was the most convincing in the first public debate. That is because this couple is very good at material, they appear without text from the start. They understand the matter of city problems and have a solution program," he said, Sunday, November 8.

Mastery of the material, continued Amure, made DILAN appear very calm. They were able to face the questions of the panelists and their three rivals well. Another advantage seen in the Makassar Pilkada debate was that DILAN appeared very compact from beginning to end. This is said to be the capital to create a collaborative Makassar City government in the future.

"Yes, DILAN excelled in the debate last night because he was compact and mastered the material. The cohesiveness was seen from the beginning of the vision and mission presentation, the question and response session to the closing of the debate or closing statement. They complemented each other, so it's not wrong if DILAN is called the ideal package," he said

Meanwhile, UNM academic, Dr. Arifuddin Usman, appreciated Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda's performance. Not only superior in mastering materials and offering a solution program, DILAN in the eyes of the former Vice Rector III of UNM also offers a new style of political concept.

This was seen during the closing statement, when Deng Ical-Fadli Ananda candidly and boldly presented his political views. At the conclusion of the Makassar Pilkada debate, DILAN represented by Doctor Fadli conveyed his views on the ideal leader. The leader figure that Makassar needs is not 'Bang Jago' who only makes promises or offers material, but must provide an example.

"DILAN carries a new style of politics, the politics of young people who are brave and straightforward. This can be seen in DILAN's closing statement, they want to give a message that they do not offer material and indulge in programs, but will set an example," he said, Sunday, November 8.

Another thing that deserves to be appreciated from DILAN's performance at the public debate last night is the commitment to uplifting local wisdom. Not only including it in the vision-mission and programs and daily activities, at the closing of the debate DILAN also showed it through pantun.

"From last night's debate we saw DILAN's consistency in raising local wisdom. Not only the vision, mission and programs and daily activities, they always show it in the closing statement and throughout the debate. Finally, we saw it in the closing statement pantun," said Samsir.

The closing rhymes for the closing statement from DILAN are:

Jalangkote roko-roko unti

Drink sarabba mixed with panada

If Makassar wants to be served

Choose Deng Ical- Fadli Ananda.