Suspect Syahganda Nainggolan Supports Labor Demonstration By Spreading Hoax Photos

JAKARTA - The official of the Coalition for the Action to Save Indonesia (WE), Syahganda Nainggolan, has been named a suspect in the alleged spread of hoaxes. Police said Syahganda deliberately spread hoax photos because he supported the demonstration against the Job Creation Act.

"The motive is to support and support the demonstrators with news that does not match the pictures," said Head of Public Relations of the Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, to reporters, Thursday, October 15.

The spread of hoaxes is carried out by uploading photos on Twitter accounts. But Syahganda added a narrative that was inconsistent with what had happened.

In addition, Syahganda also posted narratives rejecting the omnibus law, supporting labor demonstrations, condolences for labor demonstrations on his Twitter account.

"The mode is there is a photo, then given a text, the information is not the same as the incident. For example, this is the incident in Karawang, but this picture is different," he said.

Syahganda was accused of Article 28 paragraph (2), in conjunction with Article 45 A paragraph (2) of the ITE Law, Article 14 paragraph (1) and (2), Article 15 number 1 of 1946.

"The threat of a sentence of 6 years in prison," he said.

Bareskrim Polri arrested seven people, some of whom were members of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (US). They were secured in Jakarta and Medan, North Sumatra.

The identities of the four people who were arrested in Medan, namely, Juliana, Devi, Wahyu Rasari Putri, and Khairi Amri, who are the Chair of KAMI Medan.

Meanwhile, those arrested in Jakarta were members of the US Executive Committee, namely Anton Permana, Jumhur Hidayat, and former PKS legislative candidate, Kingkin Anida.