Vice President Pence Remind Citizens It Is Not Safe If The US Is In Biden's Hands

JAKARTA - Vice President of the United States (US) Mike Pence said the importance of President Donald Trump being re-elected in the upcoming elections. The election of Trump, according to Pence, can ensure the enforcement of law and order and economic sustainability.

Launch Reuters on Thursday, August 27th, in protest over the shooting of Jacob Blake, a black man in Wisconsin by the police central heating. Pence and other Republicans at the national convention described the election between Trump and Biden as an option for continuing to uphold law and order.

"The hard reality is you wouldn't be safe in Joe Biden's America," Pence said in a speech that closed the third night of the convention.

Police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, reportedly shot a black man named Jacob Blake. Blake received several shots from close range on Sunday 23 August, leaving him paralyzed. The incident sparked further protests against racism and police brutality that have emerged across the US.

Then on the third night of the rioting, three people were shot, two of whom were fatally injured. A teenager was reportedly arrested on charges of murder. Authorities also said she was a vigilante.

“Let me be clear, violence has to stop whether it's Minneapolis, Portland or Kenosha. Too many heroes have died defending our freedoms, watching Americans bring each other down. We will have law and order on the streets of this country for every American of every race, creed and color, ”said Pence.

Pence is also trying to reshape the narrative around the economy. Despite trailing behind Biden in opinion polls, Trump scored higher as an economic steward than Biden.

Biden said he had spoken to the Blake family and called for an end to the violence. But, unlike Trump who has not publicly commented on the police shootings in Kenosha, Biden called for justice and defended the right to protest.

“Protesting brutality is a right and absolutely necessary, but burning communities is not a protest. It was unnecessary violence, "said Biden in a video posted by his campaign team.

Earlier, Trump said he would send federal law enforcement to Kenosha by agreement with state governors. Meanwhile, the US Justice Department said a federal civil rights investigation had been opened into the shooting.

Transfer of the COVID-19 Problem

Democrats say Trump's focus on law and order is a diversion from his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 in the US has killed more than 178,000 and cost millions of workers.

Trump is also struggling to win back voters from a group of women who dislike his aggressive style. During the convention, Trump presented the view that he was a gentle man, but was often challenged by his own attitude and words.

But Trump's adviser, Kellyanne Conway, has a different opinion. Conway, who announced he would step down as an advisor at the end of the month, said Trump had put women in positions of power and given him influential roles.

“A woman in a leadership role can still look new. Not so with President Trump. Over the decades, she has elevated women to senior positions in business and government. He trusts and consults with us, respects our opinion and insists that we are equal with men, "said Conway.

Trump's deputy, Pence is a former governor and congressman of Indiana. He is also known as a conservative Christian, the main link between Trump and evangelical voters. This group is an influential member of the Republican Party's political base.