
Of the various problems behind the use of strong drugs, the crisis of confidence is the most fundamental. The crisis was badly created by men themselves, through wrong thoughts. At least that is what we understand when we read "Confidence Problems Result in Vitality Problems." Continued from VOI's signature Series, "Strong because of Drugs", this time we look at the possible role of the pharmaceutical industry in shaping sexual standards, plunging humans into a perverted perspective on sexual intercourse.

"Satoe time toean perloe boeka? Toean can taoe kemanjoerannja. It is the djagonja in the first aid to beat a man who cannot transfer tjoekoep and perfect by a woman."

"Tanggoeng because it is fun and enjoyable for those who use it. This medicine costs 1 cup of tjoema f.3, - and can be used 15 or 20 times. Boeat who buys 5 doos altogether, can get a 20% discount"

Above is a coffee cut from an advertisement for the strong drug branded Sjoerga Doenia. The product was advertised in a newspaper Bentara during the Dutch East Indies era in 1921. Apart from Sjoerga Doenia, there are other advertisements in tune. Ahmad Sunjayadi in a book entitled (Not) Taboo di Nusantara immortalized it. Another advertisement for the powerful medicinal product Pil Koeat brand "Si Dongkrak" also sells the same narrative:

"Soeda at Gedeponeerd no.15784 a medicine that uses toelen using the label shows a picture of a koeat."

"Sanggop makes a toyang toyang (peloe) turn back to gaga and Tjongyang (moeda) returns. To make more energy, hydrate the virgin who travels a lot of haroes to eat these pills so you don't want to be phonphe

Others, a product called Pil Seneng advertise as below:

Strong drug ad cut (Source: (Not) Taboo in Nusantara)

If we look closely, the sentences conveyed by all the superlawas strong medicine advertisements consist of at least two elements. First, they convey a standard about ideal sex or a measure of strength. The second element, they put themselves present as a solution to the problem. The pattern is exactly like a cosmetic advertisement.

Before the cosmetics industry, beauty stood free of value. It is not determined by any standards. Black and white skin, tall and short posture, all outside the discernment box. Sociologist from the University of Indonesia (UI), Ida Ruwaida Noor, said that this kind of perception arises in the realm of intercourse. The powerful drug industry maintains - if you don't want to be called it creating - a standard set of standards for the duration of sex, frequency of penetration, or the degree to which male penises are hard.

In fact, according to Ida, basically everything is just a myth. And maintaining that anxiety as a commodity is indeed a rational way for the strong medicine industry. Rational, not good. "Indeed, there are standards that have developed in society, which are based on myths ... It's the same as suggestions about beauty," said Ida when contacted by VOI, some time ago.

Maintained industry

Jump into modern years. The narrative contains ideal sex and strong drugs as a solution to keep it preserved. The difference is, advertisements for modern strong drugs have begun to abandon the habit of provoking imaginations through words. Powerful drug advertisements have penetrated television screens and video sharing sites, YouTube.

The message is stronger. In general, coffee in modern strong medicine advertisements is covered with audio narration spoken by men with heavy voices (bass). The visuals are even more attractive. A white woman with long hair and a beautiful build is a supporting object. Like the ad below, for example.

Also the most common are testimonial style ads. In testimonial ads, advertisers usually show someone with a claim of strength because of consuming strong drugs being sold. Testimonial ads are usually also reinforced by expert opinion with the aim of legitimizing the efficacy and safety of the product.

The most recent, as well as the most popular, advertisement for tonic products uses influencers or people who have great influence to exfoliate the inside of the tonic properties. These kinds of advertisements are usually thrown on social media. The use of influencers is believed to be able to strengthen perceptions.

Selling on the street

On the streets, the powerful drug industry guerrillas in a different way. We visited a number of strong drug traders on Jalan Hayam Wuruk, West Jakarta to Jatinegara, East Jakarta. There are at least three steps taken by the powerful drug traders. First, by naming the stalls.

This is important to emphasize their selling items. It's also important for potential buyers to identify their merchandise. Stalls usually pin popular brands on their carts. Some have written the name Blue Viagra Pills, some have pinned Chiang-ta's mighty medicine, or have written Vimax on their carts.

Strong drug seller in Hayam Wuruk area, West Jakarta (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

The second step is numbering the kiosks. In addition to making it easier for buyers to identify their strong medicine kiosk, numbering is also important to make it easier if customers want to buy strong drugs again at their kiosk in the future. After all, trust is crucial in this business. In addition, numbering is also important to make it easier for big dealers to manage these stalls.

"There's (big boss). The distribution is the same (stalls) from the same place," said Martin, a trader in Jatinegara, East Jakarta whom we met. Unfortunately, Martin refused to tell further about the large distributor he meant.

Take advantage of male self-distrust

Apart from all forms of guerrillaism of the powerful drug industry, they actually operate on the same foundation: male self-distrust. According to the Sociologist of the University of Indonesia (UI), Ida Ruwaida Noor, this self-distrust has been built for generations among many men.

According to Ida, this hereditary tradition has been transformed into a collective memory that has a big influence on the sexual life of many people today. "Manhood must be proven by courage. It is not only a matter of war, but also a bed," said Ida.

According to Ida, this demand is burdensome for men. Adam feels the need to prove courage so that many of them fall into a vicious cycle of using strong drugs and deviant sexual points of view.

The penis, with all the symbols of hereditary strength, seems to be the single variable for quality sex. Heretical. "This idea of the penis is the source of male power," said Ida.

Next Article: Players in the Strong Medicine Industry

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