JAKARTA Since the beginning of the year, Google has launched many new features for its various services. One of the platforms that has gained feature improvement and performance is Google Meet.
Of the many features Google has launched on the Meet platform, some of which are specially designed for business people and workers. With the support of the Gemini big language model (LLM), these features can facilitate the work of users.
They can focus on the whole discussion because tasks that are usually done, such as recording or making a summary, will be transferred to Gemini. Here are three AI features in Google Meet that are ready to help with the work of their users.
Create A Note For Me
Google launched the Make Note feature for Me on Meet a few months ago. This feature is designed to record important points during meetings or discussions. Now, the feature is getting improvements to continue the notes.
When activating the feature, Google will provide advanced suggestions called Next Steps Recommended. This section will appear at the end of the recording.
Transcript Support
The next feature that can facilitate the work of business people is the transcript of the meeting. The meeting notes made by Gemini will be linked to the relevant transcript section. This will make it easier for users to find relevant parts of the discussion.
With this feature, users do not need to search for topics in notes one by one manually. With just one click, they will be directed directly to the desired section.
When the meeting lasts so long, users can lose focus for a moment. In fact, even though they pay attention to conversations from start to finish, they may forget certain parts or find it difficult to understand the context being discussed.
To overcome this, Google provides a feature that can refresh their memory. If the problem occurs, they just need to see the history of the text that is enabled and scrolled back to review the text.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)