
JAKARTA After months of speculation, Vivo has finally revealed its newest mixed reality (MR) headset at the Boao Forum for Asia. This device is named Vivo Vision. If the name sounds familiar, the appearance of this device will further remind you of something that already exists.

At first glance, the Vivo Vision design is very similar to the Apple Vision Pro. This headset has a shape resembling a ski glasses with the front covered with elegant black glass.

Not only in terms of appearance, but Vivo Vision also has a number of cameras embedded behind the windshield and in the body. These cameras are likely used for movement tracking as well as the introduction of standard hand gestures in modern mixed reality devices.

Similarity to Vision Pro doesn't stop there. Vivo also adopts designs with separate external batteries that must be carried when the device is used. In fact, the magnetic connector connecting the battery to the headset has a very similar design to Apple's products.

For now, Vivo is only giving an initial look at its devices. Full specifications as well as details of Vivo Vision's software have not been announced. However, the company stated that the full prototype will be introduced in mid-2025.

Vivo places Vision's headset as part of a major effort in developing real-time spatial computing. This technology is said to play an important role in future robotics applications.

Along with the launch of this headset, Vivo also announced the establishment of a new robotics laboratory in China. The lab will focus on developing AI-based image processing technology and learning major models, which are expected to become the "brain" and "eye" of future robots.

While more information about Vivo Vision is still kept secret, Vivo ensures that the Vivo X200 Ultra will be launched in April. It could be that more details about this MR headset will be revealed at that time. We'll just have to wait!

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