
JAKARTA Apple not only launched updates for the iPhone and iPad, but also for its advanced headsets. Since December 11, Apple has started sharing visionOS 2.2 in a stable version.

Thanks to this update, Vision Pro will get many new features, one of which is an upgraded Virtual Display Mac format. Previously, this feature was only available in one size, which is a rectangular that can be enlarged and reduced from the screen.

Although users can manually adjust the screen area, the default size will remain the same. Therefore, Apple added two new screen formats for Mac Virtual Display. Now, users can choose the width or Ultrawidth.

In Apple's release note, the Virtual Display Mac with a wide format has a size of 21:9, while the Ultrawidth format is the size of terhit. If it activates Ultrawide format, the user will see a Mac screen that is equivalent to two 5K resolution monitors.

With this format, users can get a wider workspace regardless of the Mac model they use. In addition to getting a wider view, Apple has also fixed the audio output problem when reflecting the device.

If Vision Pro users are connecting their Mac to Vision Pro and play something from the headset, the audio output often doesn't appear on Vision Pro. On visionOS 2.2, Apple ensures that the audio will output on Vision Pro.

Apple also added the ability to watch five MLS/MLB matches with multiview views on Vision Pro via Apple TV. There is also a simple ability added to Safari, which is a feature to view spatial photos and videos on the web in one tap.

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