JAKARTA - Apple is reportedly developing VR game controller support on its Vision Pro device. Based on a report from Mark Gurman in the Power On bulletin, Apple has collaborated with Sony to provide compatibility with PlayStation VR2 controllers. This step is expected to increase the appeal of Vision Pro in the gaming sector, which has so far been considered less than optimal.
Gurman revealed that Apple is working hard to add support to third-party hand controllers through updating the visionOS operating system. Even so, the launch schedule for this feature has not been announced specifically.
"Apple approached Sony earlier this year, and both agreed to work together to launch PlayStation VR2 hand controller support on Vision Pro," Gurman wrote. Inside Sony, this development has been a focus over the past few months.
In addition, Apple has also discussed with third-party developers to encourage the integration of these controllers into their games. However, the initial plan to announce the feature last month had to be postponed, although the possibility of its launch still exists unless it experiences sudden obstacles.
Apple has also reportedly made a prototype "stick" specifically for Vision Pro, which is similar to Apple Pencil, in order to provide more precise control.
To date, Vision Pro only supports traditional controllers from Xbox and PlayStation to play games at Apple Arcade, but has never supported VR's dedicated controllers. This makes the experience of playing VR games on the headset limited.
In the same report, Vision Pro's sales are said to be unsatisfactory with an estimated figure of "less than half a million units". Most Vision Pro users are also reportedly rarely using the device compared to Apple's expectations.
However, Apple remains committed to continuing to invest in the development of Vision Pro. Although this large headset device may not last long in the market, Apple is not planning to stop this product category anytime soon.
Cooperation with Sony and the development of the new gaming feature are expected to boost the popularity of Vision Pro and attract more users in the future.
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