
JAKARTA - The corona virus or COVID-19 outbreak is spreading in a number of countries, with the number of infected victims continuing to grow. Various efforts have been made by the local government to reduce the spread of the corona virus.

One of the countries at the forefront of technological development is China. Even though this bamboo curtain country is the country most affected by the COVID-19 virus outbreak, this has hit.

Even though current technology is not yet a dominant factor in stopping the Corona virus outbreak. However, a number of tools developed are expected to help the government and the state to minimize the virus that attacks the respiratory system.

Several technologies ranging from disinfecting robots, smart helmets, drones equipped with thermal cameras, to facial recognition software are maximized.

Corona Map Application

As the first country, to identify the corona virus. Application developers in China immediately moved quickly in mapping the spread of the virus with another name COVID-19.

Utilizing digital map services, a number of technology giants in China such as WeChat and QuantUrban are developing corona map applications. This application called Coronavirus Pro allows users to monitor the distribution of locations and areas that show cases of the spread of COVID-19.

Robot Doctor

The corona virus outbreak has limited interactions between humans. This led a company from Israel to create the Temi robot.

This robot is useful for helping doctors diagnose COVID-19 patients at a safe distance. Not only to help doctors, Temi is also designed to work in airports, and nursing homes for the elderly.

This robot debut was immediately operated to detect the arrival of employees working in a number of offices in China. Later if they have one symptom of COVID-19 it will be detected immediately.

Another, there is BlueDot, a Canadian company that combines public health and medical expertise with sophisticated data analytics and artificial intelligence to build solutions to track, contextualize and anticipate the risk of infectious diseases.

Corona detection doctor robot (Special doc)

Smart Helmet

Not only does it protect the head while driving, this smart helmet basically has the same function as a thermal scanner. Police officers in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China also use these tools to detect the body temperature of citizens.

This smart helmet is claimed to be able to detect body temperature faster, reaching 100 people in just 2 minutes. The device is also capable of detecting abnormal temperatures in a timely, accurate and effective manner.


The Chinese government also operates drones to spray disinfectant liquid around the areas of the cities of Wuhan and Hubei which are quarantined from COVID-19. Until now, these drones are still used in the coastal provinces of Jilin, Shandong and Zheijang.

By spraying the disinfectant, the government hopes that the disinfectant liquid can prevent the spread of COVID-19. Although it is not certain how effective this method is, at least it is an alternative to walking or by truck.

More than 100 thousand people in at least 107 countries and regions have tested positive for the Corona virus. The death toll globally has so far exceeded 3,800.

As of last weekend, the corona virus outbreak was reported to have spread to more than 100 countries and regions. In addition to infecting more than 100,000 people, the corona virus is also reported to have killed more than 3,800 people in nearly 20 countries.

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