
JAKARTA - Axie Infinity, a popular blockchain-based game, recently recorded a 15% increase in the price of Axie's crypto asset, AXS. This spike comes as the announcement of a strategic partnership between Sky Mavis, developer Axie Infinity, and Act Games, a leading Korean gaming studio.

This partnership marks an important step forward in the integration of Japanese game franchises into Sky Mavis's Ronin blockchain. One of the first games to be launched on this platform is the 'Zoids Wild Arena,' inspired by the iconic Tomy anime series since 1983.

The purpose of this partnership is to combine Sky Mavis's expertise in web3 and NFT games with Act Games' ability to develop popular intellectual property (IP).

That way, this collaboration is expected to create an immersive and interesting gaming experience in the blockchain-based gaming ecosystem, especially for players of various ages.

Axie Infinity has recorded an extraordinary achievement with an NFT sales volume of $4.2 billion or equivalent to IDR 66 trillion. To date, the game Axie Infinity has millions of daily active users. This makes the Ronin blockchain an important player in the NFT space, just behind Ethereum in terms of NFT sales transactions.

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