
JAKARTA - This time, Reku as a crypto asset trader and the Indonesian Blockchain Association (ABI) continues to work together in continuing efforts to literacy crypto assets and blockchain technology among students.

In this effort, Reku and ABI will continue literacy activities to four campuses in Indonesia, namely the Industrial University, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute, and Bina Nusantara University (Binus), until the end of 2023.

Jesse Choi as Chief Operating Officer (COO) Reku said that education and literacy are activities that are consistently held by Reku, and are also fundamental for the community before entering crypto assets.

"Reku provides understanding and practice of concepts, potential, risks, and trends of the crypto market. So that the younger generation can be more literate with existing investment options and can make wiser investment decisions," said Jesse in a statement received.

In addition, another reason Reku made a literacy program on campus was, because according to Jesse, students including the Gen Z and millennial groups also occupy one of the largest servings (48 percent) of Reku users.

"Therefore, through this literacy activity, it is also hoped that it will further increase students' understanding and participation in the crypto ecosystem," added Jesse.

In addition to holding literacy activities for students through offline activities, Reku also invites students to be actively involved in online community groups, which are expected to be able to present a sustainable process and not stop at one activity.

"Reku also urges students to regularly monitor the condition of the crypto market, one of which is through the Learning Hub Reku which is updated every day," he concluded.

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