
JAKARTA Crypto companies have been actively establishing partnerships with the sports industry in recent years. A new step was taken by the Kraken crypto exchange which announced its partnership with Formula 1 team Williams Racing.

Seperti yang diungkapkan Kraken dalam postingan blog resminya, kedua belah pihak, yang terkenal karena teknologi inovatifnya, bergabung untuk mewujudkan visi bersama dalam dunia keuangan dan melibatkan masyarakat.

During the 2023 Australian Grand Prix 2023 Rolex Formula 1, the Kraken logo will be clearly displayed around the light and rear wing of the FW45 racing car Williams Racing. In an effort to promote cryptocurrency adoption, this collaboration also aims to create a unique digital collection experience for the crypto community and racing lovers F1.

What's interesting is that special digital collection holders on the KrakenNFT platform will have the opportunity to feature their NFT on Williams Racing cars. This demonstrates Kraken's commitment to involving its community in this partnership.

Mayur Gupta, Kraken's Chief Marketing Officer, explained, "Kraken and Williams Racing represent potentials that arise from combinations of excellence, disruptive performance, and innovation. Both are long-known brands." This is Kraken's first global partnership with the Formula 1 team, which marks an important step towards expanding its presence globally.

Kraken and Williams Racing have the same philosophy that emphasizes innovation, performance, and advanced thinking. Williams Racing has built a reputation as a team that is never satisfied with mediocre performance and continues to strive to improve performance on racing track. With more than four decades of participation in each season, Williams Racing has proven its superiority in terms of resilience and performance.

Similarly, Kraken has become a secure trading platform for Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other digital assets, serving more than 10 million clients worldwide. With this partnership, Kraken aims to accelerate its mission of enabling freedom and financial inclusion around the world.

The partnership between Kraken and Williams Racing reflects the increased relationship between crypto and the sports industry, and provides an overview of the potential for the future in the field of finance and community involvement.

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