
JAKARTA - Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being adopted by business people and the world of education, where Indonesia is included in the ranks.

Expert Staff to the Minister of Communication and Informatics for Technology, Mochamad Hadiyana, said the current landscape of AI technology continues to develop, marked by breakthroughs and applications that appear every day.

"This technology serves to change many industries, including the financial, transportation and manufacturing industry. Our exposure to AI is no longer just a discourse, AI development is not only automation in today's work, but also includes information management and delivery in an easy-to-understand form," Hadiyana said at the IBM Think Experience and Tech Summit 2023 event, in Jakarta, Thursday, August 10.

According to Hadiyana, with a generating AI, finding information to support decision-making can be done faster. Therefore, he stated that the Ministry of Communication and Information plans to formulate policies related to ethics in AI.

"In the future, we will also develop policies related to AI ethics and the readiness to implement reporting services from AI industry players," said Hadiyana.

"The form is still being studied by the legal team. There was a proposal from the Presidential Decree, but it is still being studied. The aspects are taken from international standards," he continued.

Hadiyana explained, the policy that has been prepared is Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation No. 3 of 2021 concerning Standards for Business Activities and Product Standards in Implementing Risk-Based Company Licensing

The Ministry of Communication and Information's steps are to compile industrial field standard classification to explain standard norms, procedures and criteria for AI-based activities, such as machine learning (ML), natural language processing, experts system, and other artificial intelligence subsets.

The policy also lists reporting of business activities regularly every one yahun to the Director General of Informatics Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Information.

"The government has designated the Ministry of Communication and Information as the regulator of AI. The implementation of AI policies that are being prepared will certainly be harmonized with Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions and its changes that regulate the use of electronic systems, including AI-based systems," said Hadiyana.

In addition, the Ministry of Communication and Information also supports the development of technological innovations through the sandbox regulatory scheme in vertical sectors, such as health.

"For the health sector, a sandbox regulatory is being determined, one of which is an AI-based smart diagnosis application," said Hadiyana.

Hadiyana also revealed that the Ministry of Communication and Information has also prepared community capacity, especially in three understandings of digital issues at the basic level, through digital literacy activities related to AI issues.

"This activity includes children's understanding in the world of AI, AI sophistication and preparation of digital talent for various AI technologies," explained Hadiyana

"With that, the Ministry of Communication and Information through the digital schoolarship training program has also trained 2220 participants to understand and be proficient in various AI skills and others," he added.

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