JAKARTA - YouTube is a video platform that is free to use by everyone in the world. Therefore, there are so many videos with various topics there. So, it's only natural that it's videos from channels or channels that you don't like.
Well, fortunately YouTube provides many ways to let you not see it again. One way is to block the person's YouTube channel.
Actually, you don't have to block the YouTube channel completely, but you can stop it from appearing in your video and feed recommendations. But, if you're sure you want to block it, let's take a look at the following tutorial.
First, to block YouTube channels, you need to open YouTube via your YouTube website and mobile apps. After that, go ahead by doing this:
Unfortunately, if you've blocked the channel, you can no longer unblock it independently, because you can't see the list of channels you've blocked. Instead, you have to clear your recommendation history, which opens all of them.
So, to unblock all channels, follow this step:
Then click Delete once again to confirm.
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