
JAKARTA - As a result of hacking the MOVEIT file application some time ago, as many as 45,000 student personal data in New York, United States (US), were infiltrated by the CR0P violent ransomware gang.

The Department of New York City Education (DOE) stated that the data that was broken includes social security numbers, date of birth, and evaluation of certain students.

Certain types of data were broken differently for each student. Employee information was also affected, but DOE did not identify how many teachers and staff members were involved.

"The safety and security of our students and staff, including their personal information and data, is most important for the New York City Education Department. Our top priority is precisely determining which confidential information is revealed, and the specific impact for each affected individual," DOE said in a statement, quoted from Engadget, Monday, June 26.

"When the determination is made, we will begin to prepare notifications to individuals whose classified information is broken. Along with notifications, individuals will be offered access to identity monitoring services," he added.

The CLA0P ransomware gang or TA505 is suspected of having ties to Russia claiming to have carried out a cyberattack in early June on MOVEIT.

The group leveraged zero-day vulnerabilities in the file transfer software to penetrate the servers of hundreds of companies, including US's largest pension fund.

Because of this incident, the State Department, the US is offering millions of dollars to anyone who provides information regarding the Cl0P.

Under the Justice Prize (RFJ) program, as much as 10 million US dollars or equivalent to Rp150 billion will be given to informants for information linking CL0P ransomware attacks with foreign governments.

"Do you have any information linking the CL0P Ransomware Gang or any other malicious cyber actor targeting critical US infrastructure to foreign governments?", the US State Department tweeted via its RFJ account.

"Send us information. You can fulfill the requirements to get a prize," he added


The State Department has also prepared a special Tor Secure Drop server that can be used to transmit information about CL0P and other threat actors.

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