
JAKARTA - India decided to join the United States (US) on the Artemis mission, which will take astronauts to the Moon no later than 2024.

Artemis Accords, an initiative led by the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), USA to cooperate with other countries in space exploration, including Mars, and return to the Moon.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced yesterday that he would join a non-binding exploration program.

"Today, we have made a big leap in our space cooperation by deciding to join the Artemis Accords," Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told a joint news conference with US President Joe Biden at the White House.

Built on the basis of the 1967 Space Agreement (OST), the Artemis Accords is a comprehensive guideline framework aimed at regulating the exploration and utilization of space in the modern era.

While not legally binding, these principles serve as a roadmap for international collaboration in civilian space.

The program began in October 2020 with seven founding member states, including the US, UK, Australia, Canada, Japan and Ecuador.

Now, the Artemis Accords has almost all of the space cruiser countries, except China and Russia. Countries participating in the initiative need to maintain efficiency while extracting and utilizing resources on the Moon, Mars, and asteroids.

They are required to disclose publicly the location and nature of operations to ensure safety and prevent conflicts with other members.

In fact, they should pay attention to issues such as the mitigation of orbital debris and the disposal of outdated spacecraft.

Furthermore, NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) are also working together for this year's human spaceflight.

And, both plan to send Indian astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS) next year. These efforts aim to improve the research capabilities of Indian astronauts by providing them with advanced training from NASA and giving them access to the ISS.

India relies heavily on Russia to help train its astronauts. But now they decided to vote for NASA. This was quoted from TechCrunch and Axios, Friday, June 23.

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