
AI tools are revolutionizing learning and research in today's digital era by providing sophisticated capabilities and effective solutions. These tools use artificial intelligence to accelerate various tasks, increase output, and present valuable data.

Consensus, QuillBot, Gradescope, Elicit, and Semantic Scholar are five well-known AI tools that are often used in the fields of learning and research.

1. Consensus

The purpose of the Consensus AI search engine is to democratize expert knowledge by making research findings about various subjects accessible. This advanced machine, which runs on GPT-4, uses machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze and evaluate web content.

When you ask the "right question," the additional AI model will examine the publication and collect relevant data to answer your question. The "right question" phase refers to questions that lead to well-supported findings, as shown by the confidence level based on the number and quality of sources used to support the hypothesis.

2. QuillBot

QuillBot is an assistant for artificial intelligence (AI) writing that helps people create high-quality content. This tool uses NLP algorithms to improve grammar and writing style, change sentences, and improve overall work alignment.

QuillBot's ability to parate and repeat text is one of its powers. This can be very useful if you want to maintain the authenticity of your research work and avoid plagiarism while using data from previous sources.

QuillBot can also summarize research papers and offer different words and sentences to help you convey your thoughts in your own words. QuillBot can help you add to the variety in your writing by recommending a different sentence structure. This feature can improve the readability and flow of your research, which will be more interesting to readers.

In addition, ChatGPT and QuillBot can be used together. To use ChatGPT and QuillBot simultaneously, start with the results from ChatGPT and then transfer to QuillBot for further improvement.

3. Gradescope

Gradescope is an AI tool widely used in educational institutions as an automatic assessment and feedback tool. The process of assessing tasks, exams, and programming projects by instructors can be significantly reduced by automation. The machine learning algorithm can outline code, recognize handwriting, and provide in-depth feedback to students.

4. Elicit

Elicit is a research platform supported by artificial intelligence (AI) that facilitates data collection and analysis. This tool uses the NLP approach to dig up valuable information from unstructured data, including polls, interviews, and social media posts. Researchers can quickly analyze the large amount of text using Elicit to find trends, patterns, and sentiment.

With an easy-to-use Elicit interface, researchers can easily design a personalized survey and distribute it to specific participants. To ensure correct and relevant data collection, this tool is equipped with advanced features, including branching, answer validation, and skip logic.

In addition, Elicit also offers real-time data analysis and visualization to help academics analyze and interpret data well. With user-friendly designs and strong capabilities, Elicit facilitates research processes, saves time, and improves data collection for researchers in various fields of study.

5. Semantic Schholar

Semantic Schholar is an academic search engine powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that gives priority to scientific content. It analyzes research papers, extracts important information, and produces recommendations relevant to contexts using machine learning techniques and NLP.

Researchers can use Semantic Schholar to conduct related research, look at new research trends, and keep up-to-date with the latest developments in their field of study.

Utilizing AI in research is responsible for maintaining moral standards and preventing plagiarism when using AI research tools. Plagiarism is the use of other people's words, ideas, or works without providing credit or appropriate permits. When using AI research tools, here are the guidelines that can be followed to prevent plagiarism and uphold ethical standards:

- Understanding the goals of AI research tools.

- Correctly mention the source.

- Memparafrase and synthesize information.

- Verifying information from multiple sources.

- Checking copyright limits.

- Reviewing and editing content generated by AI.

- Looking for AI tools that prioritize ethics.

While AI research tools can help improve research and writing processes, it is important to maintain academic integrity and adhere to ethical standards. Always try to give others a fair recognition and ensure that your work reflects your own thoughts and understanding.

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