
JAKARTA - Currently, internet penetration in Indonesia is not completely even. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic, which is considered to be able to help increase internet penetration, actually only contributes a little.

According to the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII), Muhammad Arif said that the big challenge in internet penetration in Indonesia was the absence of a digital infrastructure roadmap.

"What is meant by roadmap are sustainable programs, continuous programs and those that have clear goals, namely equal distribution of the internet throughout Indonesia," said Arif in his remarks at the APJII 27th Anniversary event which was held on Monday, May 15 in Jakarta.

Arif also revealed several points why digital infrastructure roadmaps are very important for Indonesia, including to establish concrete steps in internet penetration.

"By having a clear and detailed roadmap, we can work more efficiently. Make it easier for stakeholders to expand internet networks throughout Indonesia and also provide concrete steps in internet penetration," he explained.

If the Indonesian government itself has the target of Indonesia Gold in 2045, Arif said that APJII has its own target in 2029, where internet penetration throughout Indonesia has been met. "We hope that 2029 has completed internet penetration throughout Indonesia," he concluded.

Arif also hopes that in the future, the government can involve APJII further in utilizing technology for better internet networks.

"APJII needs to be further involved in equitable internet in Indonesia, so that it can be used optimally. Because there is a lot of technology that is more wise for equitable internet," concluded Arif.

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