
JAKARTA - TABOO, a cryptocurrency platform focused on adult content distribution, announced that it has managed to raise $10 million in its recent private funding son.

A top family asset management firm led the funding round, which generated a record-breaking 250 million US dollars (Rp3.7 trillion) valuation for TABOO.

Tim berencana untuk menggunakan dana tersebut untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan platform, pengembangan produk, langkah-langkah keamanan, pemasaran, dan kesepakatan akuisisi.

James as CEO of TABOO, expressed his excitement about fundraising and his potential impact on the growth of the Web3 content ecosystem, as he believes blockchain and NFT are the future of adult entertainment. In addition, the original core token of the TABOO platform experienced a rally of more than 1,000 percent in Q1 2023.

In addition to fundraising, TABOO has received a new model for its content-producing ecosystem and released a new NFT to OpenSea and other third-party markets. The TABOO team is currently preparing to achieve its largest community achievement in 2023, namely Taboo Mansion Event, and will launch its own e-commerce platform for Web3 and digital content enthusiasts.

Finally, the TABOO team signed a partnership agreement with Tier 1's centralized cryptocurrency exchange to ensure significant liquidity flows from retail and institutional market players to the TABOO ecosystem. With this latest development, TABOO aims to lead in adult entertainment through blockchain and NFT technology.

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