JAKARTA - Updates have become an important part of an operating system, including for console games. However, for the Xbox Series XS console, updates are becoming more important. So, you need to make sure your console is up-to-date to maintain full functionality.
Whether it's a small stability update or a complete dashboard overhaul, you can do it yourself easily. Here's how to update your Xbox Series XS in two ways.
Updating The Xbox Series XS Manually
If you don't turn on the automatic update, you'll need to manually update the Xbox Series XS using a special settings on your Xbox. To update the console manually, follow the following steps:
That way, your Xbox Series XS will start updating your Xbox. Once this is done, your console will restart automatically, and you will be ready to play with the latest updates.
How To Enable Automatic Updates In Xbox Series XS
While you can update the Xbox Series XS manually, you can also set an automatic update. If your Xbox Series XS is not set to a Sleep mode, the automatic update will only be installed once you turn on the Xbox, not overnight or when your Xbox is off.
So, make sure your Xbox Series XS is set to Sleep following the following steps:
With Sleep mode enabled as a power mode for Xbox Series XS, you are ready to enable automatic updates. To do so, follow the following steps:
By continuing to update my console and the Sleep mode for your Xbox is active, your Xbox system update will be installed easily overnight or when your Xbox is turned off.
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