JAKARTA - Goldman Sachs, a leading global financial services company, is increasingly expanding services for crypto investors and traders. The company sees great potential in the future of cryptocurrencies and intends to invest millions of dollars into crypto and blockchain companies.
As reported in a press release, Goldman Sachs has expanded its Visual Structuring tool for the discovery of derivative prices and the generation of trading ideas into cryptocurrencies. Previously, the company had launched the tool for trading forex, stocks, and precious metals.
Visual Structure, which is available through Goldman Sachs's Marquee platform for institutional clients, will offer an intuitive derivative price discovery for crypto traders and investors.
This tool allows clients to assess price variations, evaluate scenarios, and perform backtesting analysis in real-time collaboration with co-workers. Some of the additional features offered include the use of machine learning technology, natural language input, and group division.
Goldman Sachs Marquee's Visual Structure is now available in web and Android versions, apart from the previously launched iOS version, said Chris Churchman, head of Goldman Sachs Marquee.
Crypto Demand Increases
With the rapid adoption of cryptocurrencies, institutional clients Goldman Sachs are also increasingly interested in investing in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). The bank continues to expand its reach in the growing cryptocurrency industry, ranging from trading the first block of Bitcoin futures contracts in the Asian market to offering tools for better crypto investments.
Goldman Sachs has traded Bitcoin-related instruments with the Galaxy Digital crypto bank, announcing the launch of a Datanomy crypto classification system to help classify coins and tokens, and plans to invest millions of dollars into crypto companies.
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