
JAKARTA - In order to prevent abuse while at the same time support the success of the publisher and business at all sizes, as well as provide the best security, during 2022, Google added or updated 29 policies for advertisers and publishers.

Moreover, last year Google removed more than 5.2 billion and restricted more than 4.3 billion advertising, and suspended more than 6.7 million advertiser accounts.

This figure shows an increase in the number of advertisements removed by 2 billion when compared to the previous year, namely in 2021.

"We have also blocked or restricted ad viewing at more than 1.5 billion publishing pages and taken greater enforcement measures at the site level against more than 143,000 publishing sites," the search giant continued in the Google Indonesia blog.

Google admits, in enforcing policies on a scale like this, they rely on a combination of human resources and an AI-supported automatic system and machine learning.

"This method helps us scan content and better detect violations around the world," the company said further.

Not only that, in recent years, Google has also done a lot to dispel misinformation and misleading claims in their advertising ecosystem.

In the same year, the company claimed to have blocked advertising in more than 300,000 publishing pages that violated these policies and prevented the broadcast of more than 24 million advertisements for policy violators.

In addition, more than 51.2 million advertisements were removed due to inappropriate content, including hate speech, violence, and malicious health claims. As well as 20.6 million other ads for promoting harmful products or services, such as weapons and explosives.

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