
JAKARTA - Currently, technology is growing rapidly and continues to show its potential to replace several types of human work. This is due to the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology discovered by humans.

The greatness of AI seems unstoppable and makes it easier for some work that has been filled by human resources. No wonder in the future, many human jobs will be lost because it will be replaced by AI.

Several types of jobs that are currently in danger and threatened to be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) are as follows:

Administrative work including tasks such as organizing data, processing documents, and making reports, has become the main target of AI development. This is due to AI's ability to perform these tasks automatically and more efficiently.

For example, now many companies use chatbot software to manage customer questions, and automated data processing systems to send invoices and issue bills.

Work in the production and factory sectors, such as lifting goods and packaging, is also threatened with being replaced by robots and automation systems. AI-controlled machines have been designed to perform production tasks more quickly and accurately, without experiencing fatigue and human error.

The development of autonomous car and drone technology has changed the face of the transportation industry and is likely to replace driver and courier jobs in the future. Currently, companies like Uber and Google are testing self-driving autonomous cars without a human presence.

Customers of customer service jobs involving direct interactions with consumers such as phone and email services are also vulnerable to replacement by AI. In recent years, AI-controlled chatbots have been adopted by many companies as solutions to handle customer calls and emails more efficiently.

Several types of financial work and accounting such as straightening, recording transactions, and financial analysis, are also in danger of being replaced by AI. Accounting software that is currently available can perform these tasks automatically at a much faster speed than humans.

The reason for this replacement by AI is due to the development of AI technology and capabilities that are increasingly sophisticated, so they are able to carry out routine tasks more quickly, efficiently, and accurately compared to humans.

In addition, the use of AI can also save costs and time for companies, so that more companies tend to adopt this technology to increase their efficiency and productivity.

However, this also poses challenges for human labor, so it is necessary to find alternative solutions to deal with the impact of the replacement of human work by AI.

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