
JAKARTA - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that has been growing rapidly in recent years. In many aspects of life, AI has been widely used, from industry to the health sector.

Along with the ChatGPT boom from OpenAI, in fact, there are still many applications that use AI that can be used to make human life easier.

The following are some examples of artificial intelligence applications in the world today, apart from ChatGPT.

1. Siri

Siri is a virtual assistant found on Apple devices such as the iPhone and iPad. Siri uses AI technology to understand the user's voice commands and respond accordingly. Siri can help users perform various tasks, such as sending messages, making phone calls, searching for information on the internet, and much more.

2. Alexa

Alexa is a virtual assistant built into Amazon devices such as the Echo and Echo Dot. Like Siri, Alexa uses AI technology to understand the user's voice commands and respond accordingly. Alexa can help users perform various tasks, such as playing music, setting alarms, buying things on Amazon, and many more.

3. Google Translate

Google Translate is an application that can translate text and speech from one language to another. The app uses AI technology to understand the meaning of words and phrases and identify patterns in different languages. Google Translate can be used both online and offline, and is available in multiple languages.

4. Tesla Autopilot

Tesla Autopilot is a technology that allows Tesla cars to drive themselves with the help of AI. Tesla cars equipped with Autopilot can adjust speed, turn or change lanes, and park themselves. This technology is still under development and testing, but its potential uses are enormous.

5. IBM Watson

IBM Watson is an AI platform developed by IBM. Watson can process large amounts of data and provide accurate and fast analysis. Watson has been used in various sectors, such as health, finance, and government. Watson can also be used to create chatbots that can assist customers or users in various tasks.

6. DeepMind AlphaGo

DeepMind AlphaGo is an AI program developed by the Google company DeepMind. AlphaGo is capable of playing strategy games like Go and chess with a very high skill level. AlphaGo beat the best professional Go players in the world and demonstrated the ability of AI to make decisions and calculate strategies very quickly and accurately.

The AI ​​applications above are just a few examples of the many AI applications that have been developed in today's world. In the next few years, the development of AI technology is predicted to accelerate and continue to grow.

In many sectors, AI will continue to help improve efficiency and accuracy in carrying out various tasks and activities. Therefore, it is important for individuals and organizations to continuously monitor the development of AI technology and make wise use of it.

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