
JAKARTA - Ransomware and malware are types of cyber threats that are often used by international hackers to steal data or damage systems. This malware can damage systems, encrypt files, and make ransom demands to restore data or remove viruses.

Following are some of the most dangerous types of ransomware and malware used by international hackers, as well as the victims who have been exposed to such attacks.

  1. WannaCry

WannaCry is a type of malicious ransomware that spread in 2017. This ransomware attacks the Windows operating system and spreads itself through the internet network. Once the system is infected, this ransomware encrypts files and demands a ransom of bitcoins to recover the encrypted data. The WannaCry ransomware spread globally and infected hundreds of thousands of systems worldwide.

  1. Petya

Petya is a ransomware that spread in 2016. This ransomware attacks Windows operating systems and encrypts files on hard drives. Petya spreads himself through phishing emails or fake websites. This ransomware also demands a ransom to restore encrypted data. Petya attacked large companies, including logistics and pharmaceutical companies.

  1. Zeus

Zeus is a type of malware that attacks Windows systems and is used to steal users' personal and financial data. This malware collects sensitive information such as passwords and bank account numbers. Zeus spreads itself through phishing emails or fake websites. This malware has attacked thousands of systems worldwide.

  1. NotPetya

NotPetya is a malware that hit large enterprises in 2017. It also attacks Windows operating systems and encrypts files on hard drives. NotPetya spreads through phishing emails and fake websites. This malware causes heavy losses to companies affected by the attack, including logistics and pharmaceutical companies.

  1. DarkSide

DarkSide is a hacker group famous for their ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline oil pipeline company in 2021. This ransomware demands a ransom of 5 million US dollars in bitcoins. This attack caused a shortage of fuel supplies in the United States. DarkSide spreads itself through phishing emails and fake websites.

  1. REvil

REvil is a hacker group famous for their ransomware attack on American software company Kaseya in 2021. This ransomware caused major disruption to smaller companies using Kaseya's software. Hacker group REvil is seeking a $70 million ransom in bitcoins. REvil spreads itself through the internet and uses exploit techniques to infect the system.

  1. Locky

Locky is a type of ransomware that spread in 2016. This ransomware attacks Windows operating systems and spreads itself through phishing emails or fake websites. Once the system is infected, this ransomware encrypts files and demands a ransom of bitcoins to recover the encrypted data. Locky spreads globally and has attacked hundreds of thousands of systems worldwide.

  1. Cerber

Cerber is a ransomware that attacks Windows operating systems and spreads itself through phishing emails or fake websites. This ransomware encrypts files on the hard drive and demands a ransom to recover the encrypted data. Cerber has attacked thousands of systems worldwide.

  1. Mirai

Mirai is a type of malware that attacks IoT (Internet of Things) devices such as surveillance cameras and routers. This malware aggregates these devices into a botnet that is used for DDoS attacks. Mirai has attacked hundreds of thousands of devices worldwide.

  1. Trickbot

Trickbot is a type of malware that attacks Windows systems and is used to steal users' financial information. This malware collects sensitive information such as passwords and bank account numbers. Trickbot spreads itself through phishing emails or fake websites. This malware has attacked thousands of systems worldwide.

  1. Emotet

Emotet is a type of malware that attacks Windows systems and is used to steal users' financial information. This malware collects sensitive information such as passwords and bank account numbers. Emotet spreads itself through phishing emails or fake websites. This malware has attacked hundreds of thousands of systems worldwide.

  1. APT41

APT41 is a hacker group that is famous for their attacks on major companies around the world. This hacker group uses very sophisticated techniques and often targets companies that have sensitive data or advanced technology. APT41 has attacked companies across a wide range of sectors, including technology, finance and defense companies.

Victims of these ransomware and malware attacks include large corporations, governments, hospitals, and small businesses. International hackers who use these types of malware are often difficult to track down because they use very sophisticated techniques.

Hacker groups like APT41 are often thought to come from countries with highly advanced cyber capabilities. Therefore, it is important for organizations and individuals to keep their systems secure and alert against any attacks.

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