
JAKARTA - Based on a recent study released by the SEEK, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and The Network, entitled "What Workers Expect to Know by Companies: Opening the Doors of the Future of Recruitment," revealed that IT workers are the most sought after in several countries such as Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore.

According to a survey conducted on 97,324 respondents in Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, the report states that the reason IT is the most popular job is because they often get job offers every week and month.

"Despite the wave of layoffs (PHK) by technology companies in Southeast Asia and around the world, the need for labor with experts in technology remains the highest based on findings in the report," said Peter Bithos, Chief Executive Officer of SEEK in Asia, in his material at the Media Briefing: Launch of JobStreet x BCG 'Report Future of Recruitment' in Jakarta on Monday, March 1.

In addition to technology, the SEK report also revealed that work in the field of Data and Science is also ranked third in the work with the highest demand in Indonesia.

When talking about the high demand for IT workers and science data in a business, Varun Mehta as the COO of Indonesia, JobStreet said, because currently there are many traditional businesses that want to implement a hybrid work system.

Many traditional businesses want to change to hybrid. For example, like the manufacturing sector, they want to purchase their products online. So they want to recruit IT employees because they think it's difficult to move online," Varun told VOI.

Furthermore, Varun also revealed that IT workers and science data are very important for companies to increase productivity and seek other opportunities to seek profit.

"It's important because if we want to increase productivity, we have to see if there is opportunity. That's where AI technology will help businesses increase the company's productivity to get better opportunities than it is now," he concluded.

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