RevCommm Winds MiiTel, Smart Phone Software For Performance Sales And Call Center
RevComm luncrukan MiiTel (photo: MiiTel)


RevComm, a Japanese technology company, presents a new innovation in Indonesia, namely telephone system software to improve sales performance, telemarketing, call centers, and businesses called MiitTel.

MiitTel is a software call management with VoIP which is accessed via laptop or smartphone. By using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, voice-to-text, and other productivity-boosting features, this will be the first innovation in Indonesia to increase the volume of business calls.

"MiitTel analyzes and visualizes business conversations with AI," said Takeshi Aida, CEO & Founder of RevComm, in a press release received in Jakarta, quoted Wednesday, February 22.

Like a black box of a plane that keeps secrets, the MiiTel dashboard can record, transcribed, and analyze data and performance with the AI they use.

That way, you can play recordings, read phone conversations and meetings, which will automatically be converted into text by AI, as well as various insights into business growth.

Even AI performs analysis up to the tempo and intonation, so that you and your team are able to improve the quality of overall business communication. You and the team supervisor can also use the real-time monitoring feature, by listening to your team's conversations with customers without them knowing," he continued.

PT RevComm APAC Indonesia held the official launch of MiitTel on February 21, 2023, at The Ritz-Carlton, SCBD, Jakarta. With the spirit of Growth with Innovation, it presented talk show speakers: Takeshi Aida (CEO & Founder RevComm), Simarjit Manaktala (VP Direct Sales Lamudi), and Haris Izmee (Managing Director, ASEAN Growth Markets, Amazon Web Services). The launch also invited a hundred business leaders.

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