Mercedes-Benz And Volkswagen Encourage The German Government To Build Infrastructure Of Electric Car Charging Stations
VW CEO Oliver Blume asked the German government to build more electric car charging infrastructure. (photo:


Electric cars are increasingly becoming an option in Germany and require adequate infrastructure support. German car manufacturers Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen (VW), have urged governments to do more in increasing the number of electric car charging stations across the country. This was reported by German newspaper Bild am Sonntag on Sunday, February 19.

"To speed up change (to the electric car), we need to make sure that the charging station infrastructure is under construction," said Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Kallenius, as quoted by the newspaper.

"That is also a question for politics." said VW CEO Oliver Blume, who also agrees that greater speed is needed and that the construction of charging stations is "a joint task of the economy, federal government, and the city".

In October, the German government approved plans to spend 6.3 billion euros (Rp 102.2 trillion) to accelerate the increase in the number of charging stations across the country, as part of its efforts towards zero emissions.

The plan includes accelerating state approval to build charging points. Industry associations that have long complained that the government is not in line with the rapid expansion of electric cars, saying the implementation of the proposal is critical.

"The future car is an electric car," said Kallenius. "At the end of this decade, we want to be fully ready to turn to electric cars in our market segment, where market conditions allow. This is not a definitive conclusion, but will require conversion of a gigantes industry."

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