
JAKARTA - Based on the latest poll report, Nintendo announced that they had sold more than 122.55 million Switch console units as of December 31, 2022 yesterday.

Nintendo managed to sell 8.22 million of its console units in the last quarter on the same day, and software hit 76.71 million sales. Thus, the total worldwide sales of Nintendo Switch titles have surpassed 944.30 million.

The following is a list of best-selling Switch games As of December 31, 2022

According to VGC records, with these figures means Switch now has officially outperformed Game Boy's record sales (including Game Boy Color with 118.69 million) and Sony PlayStation 4 (117.2 million).

Last year the Switch was confirmed as the all-time best-selling Nintendo home console, beating Wii 101.63m.

However, in the results for the first nine months, the Japanese company said its net sales fell 1.9% to 1.295 billion yen and net profit fell 5.8% to 356.2 billion yen.

The company said the decline was partly due to foreign exchange market fluctuations, and a 21.3% year-on-year decline in hardware sales compared to the same time last year (14.91 million vs. 18.95 million).

According to the company, the main factor for the decline was due to a shortage of semiconductors which had an impact on production until around the end of the summer.

Due to this decline, Nintendo chose to lower its forecast for the second quarter in a row. The company expects to sell 18 million consoles by the end of March 2023, down from the 19 million predicted in the previous quarter.

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