Turkish Society Was Shocked By The Great Clouds Of Red And Young In The Form Of A Flying Plate
The appearance of lenticular clouds in Turkey (Photo: Twitter @leylagibisasi)


JAKARTA - People in the city of Bursa, Turkey were shocked to find a large pink cloud that appeared in the sky at sunrise, with a large hole in its center.

Launching from DailyMail, this large cloud is named the lenticular cloud or Altocumulus lenticularis which means 'like a lens'. The lenticular clouds form when the air is stable and the wind blows across the hills and mountains from the same or similar directions at different heights through the troposphere.

This cloud shape can be said to resemble a flying plate, but many people think it is different and say that this cloud shape even resembles the shape of a woman's genitalia or a▁peringatan.

This lenticular cloud was shared by Twitter users with the account name @leylagibidasi. Sources said that this image was photographed on the Gokmen Aerospace Training Center (GUHEM) on the Stock Exchange, Turkey on Thursday morning.

Clouds known for curved shapes such as flying plates are usually found at an altitude of about 6,400 - 16,500 feet. According to the Met Office, one of the weather forecast companies in the UK says that these clouds sometimes also form hills.

"The shape is very similar to traditional flying plates in science fiction, and the original lenticular clouds are believed to be one of the most common explanations for UFO sightings around the world," the company added.

According to Mett, lenticular clouds are visible signs of mountain waves in the air. When the air blows across the mountains, under certain circumstances, it can form a large wave series that stands downstream like ripples of water formed in the river as water flows above the barrier, he explained.

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