
JAKARTA - Fran Finney, wife of crypto pioneer Hal Finney, has announced a charity event to help victims of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and affects physical functions.

Discussing the event on Twitter, Finney encouraged Bitcoin users to run half a marathon and share their experiences on social media between January 1 and January 10, 2023 to help raise funds to fight the disease.

Fran Finney, wife of crypto pioneer Hal Finney, has announced a charity event to help victims of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

The announcement was made by Fran Finney via Hal Finney's official Twitter account. The account had previously been reactivated by him to save him from cleaning up old Twitter accounts.

The Running Bitcoin'' is named after the first Bitcoin tweet, created by Hal Finney just days after Bitcoin aired in 2009 held in collaboration with the ALS Association Golden West Chapter. According to the website, the organization lends equipment and educational materials to people living with ALS.

The charity said it was seeking to raise funds from the event by offering the official Bitcoin Running T-shirt and Hal Finney's rare collection to several contributors.

The Finney is an early pioneer of cryptocurrencies. In 2004, it created Reusable Proof of Work (RPOW), a system that allows Hashcash coins to be reused by receivers. RPOW is often seen as a type of proto-cryptocurrency, although it uses a central server and is not a decentralized network.

Finney also donated the code to the Bitcoin code base in 2008 and early 2009, before being released to the public in January 2009. He was the first Bitcoin transaction recipient, where Satoshi Nakamoto sent him 10 BTC.

Hal Finney was a runner who worked hard for most of his life before his ALS diagnosis in August 2009. After years of fighting with the disease, he was cryonically preserved in 2014.

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