
- Lebih lanjut tentang jangkaan dinamis tinggi dalam foliasi dan saat menggunakan pengaturan kamera ini untuk foto yang luar biasa. Dan katanya fungsi HDR pada kamera?

HDR is a photo engineering that, if used properly, can provide visual treats by adding more details in your photos' bright and dark areas. Let's dive into what HDR settings mean and when to use them.

HDR stands for high dynamic range. Simply put, it's a range of bright and dark tones in your photo. The human eye has a very high dynamic range that's why we can see details both in the shadows and in the spotlight. It may be difficult for the camera to capture the same amount of detail because the range is slightly smaller.

HDR camera settings: first and now.

When the HDR term first appears, it refers to a technique called "bracketing". This technique reaches a wider dynamic range by taking the same image three times one on the most natural setting, plus two more that are overexposed and underexposed. Then, the editing software combines all three images to keep the details from the brightest highlights to the darkest shadows.

When we talk about HDR now, the meaning is a little different, thanks to the latest advances in digital cameras. Many cameras now have built-in HDR settings. This means the camera will take three photos but only display the pairing results of all three saving you from hard work.

When do you use HDR?

As a general rule, setting an HDR camera is useful when you have difficulty balancing the light of the photo. When photographing landscape photography, it can help show details where the sun hits and where the shadows fall.

Avoid HDR when you want to capture moves, such as in sports photography. Otherwise, you may get a very bright or very dark area in your photo. Get more photo tips to improve your photography skills.

After knowing the function of HDR on camera, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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