
JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate said, if the new Indonesian capital city (IKN) in East Kalimantan will be the first location to experience 5G services.

"The new capital will be the best potential for implementing the first 5G in Indonesia. Apart from several industrial areas and public areas with high traffic that might also be possible," said the Minister of Communication and Information Johnny as quoted by Antara, Friday, December 11.

Furthermore, this is based on efforts to implement the 5G network which will require large capital expenditures, especially for the provision of 5G small-cell densification as well as a sophisticated digital ecosystem, so that IKN is considered the most suitable.

In addition, Minister Johnny stated that the government had conducted 10 trials for the application of the 5G network during 2017-2019, to study potential applications and use cases for 5G services.

"Such as distance learning through holographic interactions, remote operations, IoT for smart cities, and autonomous vehicles during the ASIAN Games. 2018. In 2020, Indonesia will focus its 11th trial to explore the possibility of coexistence between 5G networks and Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) for use in the 3.5 GHz band, "he explained.

He explained, Indonesia is trying to optimally utilize microwave link as the second option after fiber optic cable. "Because the E-band frequency is very high (70-80 GHz) and V-band (60 GHz) can also serve high capacity backhaul for broadband services."

The Minister of Communication and Information Johnny believes that 5G technology will be a game changer and have a broad impact on connectivity in Indonesia. It has even become the backbone of digital transformation and the main driver of economic growth.

"The application of agile and flexible regulatory measures is needed as a major breakthrough to support an inclusive and competitive digital environment and encourage the launch of 5G networks in Indonesia," he concluded.

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