
YOGYAKARTA Headsets and earphones are two types of cellphone accessories that are often considered the same. Because, both of them serve as supporting tools for listening to audio. Originally, these two types of audio devices had different shapes and uses. So, what is the difference between headsets and earphones?

Differences in headsets and earphones are actually thin. These two tools allow users to listen to different audio.

Although there are several things that distinguish headsets and earphones, universally agreed paradigms do not exist. This results in the mention of it not always standardized for certain tools.

The most obvious difference between these two audio support tools is to know the definition of headsets and earphones.

Compiled by VOI from various sources, Friday, November 4, 2022, the following are the differences in headsets and earphones as audio support tools.


When viewed from a physical point of view, the shape of the headset looks like a headphones of a simple hearing device that can only be used to listen without being able to be used for communication.

However, the headset has a microphone installed on the device so it can be used for communication, while on the headphones, no.

Thus, it can be concluded that the headset is a complete audio device because it is equipped by speakers and mics.

In terms of sound, the headset has the best sound quality. The headset also has a sound silencer so as not to be disturbed by outside noise disturbances.

Because the headset is equipped with a mic or loudspeaker attached to the device, it is suitable for a headset to be used for video conferencing.

In addition, headsets are also included in practical audio support devices. Because it is easy to carry and use at every moment.

Even so, headset users still have to provide a special place and must be careful if they want to bring headsets everywhere.


Ears are audio support devices that are smaller than headsets.

Ears are more practical than headsets, because they are smaller. So that it is practically taken everywhere. Therefore, don't be surprised if there are more earphone users than headsets.

The practicality of earphones can also be seen from how it is used. The earphone is mounted directly on the earhole and has a cable associated to the smartphone device.

In addition, earphones can also be installed on various other devices such as tablets, laptops, or computers.

In terms of function, the earphone is almost the same as the headset, namely listening to audio and communicating in two directions.

The earphone also has a mic embedded in the cable that connects the speaker with the device.

However, along with the increasingly massive development of technology, nowadays, many wireless earphones are connected via bluetooth. This innovation makes users more comfortable when using earphones, especially when exercising.

Meanwhile, in terms of adia quality, the earphone does not have sound damping like a headset. This condition makes users potentially disturbed by outside sound.

Which is better, Headset or Earphone?

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the real difference between headsets and earphones is in terms of size. Although equally practical, the size of the headset is greater than the earphone.

In addition, headsets are also more suitable for conferences, due to minimal interference from outside sounds. Even so, earphones are easier to carry everywhere, especially for users of wireless earphones.

That's information about different headsets and earphones. Hopefully useful!

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