
JAKARTA - In less than 10 hours the government, through the Ministry of Communication and Information, will decide on Analog TV services and migrate to Digital TV (Analog Switch Off / ASO).

The implementation of this ASO will be carried out simultaneously on November 2, 2022 at 24.00 WIB in areas where the digital broadcast ecosystem is ready, including 14 regencies/cities in Jabodetabek.

According to the latest report as of October 31, the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Multiplexing Organizing Agency has distributed assistance for digital broadcasting aids or Set-Top-Box (STB) to Poor Households (RTM) totaling 1,055,360 STB units, for the Jabodetabek area a total of 473,308 STB units (98.7%) from the target of 479,307 STB units, as many as 60,791 RTM did not meet the criteria/ failed handover.

Kominfo appealed to RTMs that have not received STB assistance due to obstacles in the field, the RTM can apply independently by contacting the 159 call center or to the phone number of the nearest STB Assistance Handling Quick Response Post.

The quick Response Post for Handling STB Assistance in the Jabodetabek area has started operating from November 2 to 4, 2022, at 08.00 19.00 WIB. The following is a list of Posko locations in several areas:

Bogor City/Regency (081212820047) - Salak Hotel The Heritage (Lt.2 Batu Writing Room, Lt.1 Burang Room) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.8 Bogor City.

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