Signal Bring Stories Features To Apps, Claims Safer Than Instagram!
Signal messaging apps are starting to bring Stories feature (Illustration Photo: Doc. Signal)


JAKARTA - The Signal messaging app is starting to bring Stories features like Instagram. It seems that this feature is being prepared for beta testing.

Signal developer Greyson Parelli announced on the company's community page that users of the WhatsApp competitor app will soon have a new way to share photos, videos and even text.

Just like Instagram, Stories Signal will disappear after 24 hours and can be shared with all contacts, list of special friends or groups in the app.

Although this feature is similar, Signal provides a new option that its competitors don't have, namely that users can disable Stories features if they're not interested, but they will lose the ability to view posts from others.

Launching Mashable, Monday, October 10, of course, such as Signal's tagline, which is an application that prioritizes the privacy security of its users, Stories will also be end-to-end encrypted.

Sarreli said about this Stories feature, where users can always control what or who they share the feature with.

"When you share stories with groups, anyone in that group can see, share, react, and reply to the group's stories," Parrelli said in a blog post.

For now, the Stories feature is only available for beta testers. That means if a beta tester user shares a story with non-beta Signal user, the feature won't work.

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