
JAKARTA - In today's digital era, cyber attacks or commonly known as cyber attacks have become more and more models. However, the most famous now are ransomware and DDoS.

According to Senior Technical Advisor Acer Cyber Security Inc., Charles Lim, such attacks target humans more often as victims.

"We are all targets. Humans as targets here mean how they (viral criminals/hackers) target us to click on a document, link, email, and the like," Charles said at the Workshop on Increasing the Use of Domestic Products (P3DN) and Cybersecurity in Regions, Tuesday, September 6.

From the data submitted by Charles, on this year's cyber threat map, the government and the military are ranked second as targets. While those in first place with the biggest threat of attack are the education sector.

"The data leak actually exists all over the world. Whether it's individuals, small companies, and large companies, it can be targeted," he explained.

Charles also mentioned the data leak that is currently happening in Indonesia, starting from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, PLN, Indihome customers, and the latest is SIM Card registration data.

"Data leaks in government or ministry may be caused by changes every two years, but data from people who were initially responsible for not being submitted properly," he added more clearly.

According to him, new people who do not hand over their positions properly will become the months of hackers. "Especially because of the old application and not updating," said Charles.

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