
JAKARTA - Samsung warned customers about a cybersecurity incident in July, in which "a third party unauthorizedly obtained information from several US Samsung systems,". The leaked data includes matters such as name, birthday, contact info, and product registration information.

The company said it found a breach on August 4, and is currently investigating it with "leading out cybersecurity firms."

According to the company's FAQ on the incident, they emailed customers who were specifically affected and would continue to do so as the investigation progressed. Samsung said that not everyone would have the same information leaked. The company did not immediately reply to The Verge's request for comment on which systems were specifically affected.

While the company said that no Social Security numbers or debit/credit card numbers were taken, the type of info that hackers eventually obtained could be very useful in social engineering attacks on other services you use.

If you delay activating two-factor authentication on some important accounts, it might not be a bad idea to get it done as soon as possible.

Samsung said that currently users do not need to change passwords, or take any specific steps to keep Samsung products or accounts safe, as "consumer devices are not affected in connection with this incident."

However, the company recommends overseeing unusual activities in its account, and being extra vigilant in terms of phishing emails.

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