
JAKARTA - Indonesian students who are members of the Indonesian Chemistry Olympiad Team have won four silver medals and two other awards at the 54th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) which will be held online in Tianjing, China on 10-17 July 2022.

The Acting (Plt) Head of the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Asep Sukmayadi, expressed his appreciation to the Indonesian International Chemistry Olympiad Team, the coaches, and all parties who have assisted in the implementation of the activities.

“Receiving four silver medals and two awards is an extraordinary achievement. Congratulations to all the teams in the 2022 IChO event. Hopefully this achievement can continue to be improved and can inspire other young Indonesian generations to have the spirit of achievement, "Asep said in Jakarta quoted by Antara, Saturday.

The Indonesian team won four silver medals, consisting of high school students (SMA) Yakobus, Jakarta, Nathanael Reza Putra Widjaja, students from SMA QSBS Al Kautsar 561 Tasikmalaya, West Java, Muhammad Dihya Aby Abdi Manaf, students at Petra 1 Christian High School Surabaya. , East Java, Kevin Lius Bong, and student of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Malang City, East Java, Emilda Puteri Aulia.

Not only silver medals, they also won a commendable award as "The Best Result in Virtual Experiments" and were entitled to "The Golden Monkey Award" for their achievements.

The International Chemistry Olympiad was attended by 83 countries, one individual team, one observer country, with 326 students, 166 mentors, and 140 supervisors. The 2022 Indonesia International Chemistry Olympiad Team was coached by three mentors, namely Deana Wahyuningrum (Head Mentor), Fainan Failamani (Mentor) and Irma Mulyani (Scientific Observer). They were also assisted by two Invigilators (supervisors), namely Azis Adharis from Pertamina University Chemistry and Arie Hardian from General Achmad Yani University Chemistry.

The implementation of the 2022 IChO is carried out by remote access exam or the implementation of the exam in each participant's country considering that there are still spikes in COVID-19 cases, especially in China and several countries in the world. The remote access exam or written exam for participants will be held on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. The process of assessing student work results, moderation (arbitration), and determining the final results by mentors and the IChO 2022 Scientific Committee judges.

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