
JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G. Plate said that the government is preparing an integrated public service super app to produce One Indonesia Data.

In the Indonesian Digital Financial Economy Festival, which took place in a hybrid manner on Monday, July 11, this step was taken as a form of support for accelerating the digitization of public services and implementing data driven policies in Indonesia.

Because according to him, currently the government has too many applications so it is not efficient and works individually. Therefore, super apps are needed to make it easier.

"If we talk about public services, then we must realize that there are so many services that are partially accessed by the public. Therefore, the Government is preparing public services super apps, an integrated public service application in one application," explained Johnny.

The Minister of Communication and Informatics emphasized the importance of rearranging thousands of applications (24,400) that were spread into one super application. At least, only eight applications are integrated. "We are preparing this in the Ministry of Communications and Informatics roadmap," he said.

As a follow-up step, of the 24,400 existing applications, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will immediately shut down or close them, and gradually move them to super apps.

“From this amount, we slowly start to shutdown and move them. I believe that the efficiency will be higher than the fiscal intervention that Mrs. Sri Mulyani has issued at this time. The savings are tens of trillions, if it can be done it will be extraordinary for us," he said.

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