Support The KPU, Menkominfo Prepare A Cyber Security Team To Keep The Digital Space Healthy In The 2024 Election
The Minister of Communication and Information supports the KPU to keep the digital space healthy during the election (photo: dock. Antara)


JAKARTA - The Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Johnny G. Plate stated that he had prepared support for a cybersecurity team and a negative content deterrent to support the General Elections Commission (KPU) in order to keep the digital space safe and healthy during the 2024 general election.

For this reason, the Ministry of Communication and Information has equipped equipment such as a cyber drone and also a cyber security team to carry out surveillance of digital spaces and cyber attacks.

Kominfo supports healthy digital spaces. Therefore, Kominfo has completed its equipment, added a drone cyber and has a cyber security that works 27 hours a day to carry out surveillance of digital spaces and cyber attacks," Johnny said in a press release.

Through increasing device and technology capacity, Minister Johnny hopes to be able to help track negative content with analphabetical andnumerical scheme.

Alphabetical and alsonumerical, so you can read it both letters and numbers. To protect the digital space from cyber attacks, there has been cross-coordination between ministries and institutions or what we call the cyber response team (CSIRT)," he explained.

The Minister of Communication and Information explained that the cybersecurity quick response team has the task of responding to all cyber attacks that lead to government applications.

In addition, Johnny also said that the hacking carried out was useless. "If you carry out an attack on the digital space specifically for community economic activities or socio-political activities related to democratic circulation, it will not be useful," he urged.

The Minister of Communication and Information asked digital platform organizers to continue to maintain the security system and equip it with strong encryption security technology, as well as prepare a team that can respond quickly to incidents.

We do regularly communicate with all digital platforms, both global and local. We continue to build this communication, so that if there are violations (illegalities) in the digital space it can be responded to quickly, either to stop it or to block it," he continued.

The Minister of Communication and Information hopes that the form of cooperation from all parties, including the media, can be a lesson from the experience of previous elections to prevent post truth.

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