
JAKARTA - Twitter is holding the Chirp Developer Conference again after a seven-year hiatus. This conference allows developers to connect with each other either online or in person.

In celebration of the Chirp conference, Twitter is holding the Chrip Developer Challenge. "In this challenge, we looked for the best use of Twitter API v2 across three categories: Content Discovery apps, Conversation Security tools, and Public Goods apps," said Marketing Marketing, Amy Udelson in Twitter developer blov.

Furthermore, Amy said that they wanted to open up new experiences for Twitter people, and inspire other developers.

For those of you who are interested, you can submit your application on the chirpdevchallange web page and make sure you meet the applicable requirements. For this challenge, Twitter prepared a prize worth more than 520,000 US dollars (Rp 7.2 billion).

"We will also give 5,000 US dollars (Rp 70 million) and other prizes to the five finalists. You can register until the deadline, which is 19 August 2022.

Twitter also explained that it doesn't matter when the application was created, whether you have made the application a long time ago or new, as long as it uses Twitter API v2 and is a standalone application, and is not an existing application, you can send it right away.

For more details about the current Chrip Developer Challenge, you can directly visit the Twitter developer website.

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