
JAKARTA – The company that produces Ax deodorant is reportedly carrying the Dogecoin (DOGE) theme in its packaging. Ax prominently added an image of a Shiba Inu dog named Kabosu which became the coin logo for the popular Dogecoin meme.

It was intended to welcome DOGE day on April 20 last. Ax announced a limited edition Dogecoin-themed deodorant in a Twitter post. The company explained that in the first batch there will be 100 items available. They also announced that the limited edition deodorant product can be purchased using Dogecoin crypto.

Reporting from U.Today, this is not the first time Ax promised to make a crypto-scented body spray last year. Even though Dogecoin hasn't hit $1 per coin yet, the company has started handing out cans of Ax Dogecan to some of the top meme cryptocurrency super fans who have to sign up first to get it.

The day before, Dogecoin supporter Elon Musk signaled to commemorate DOGE Day through a number of Twitter posts. One of them is that he uses the number 54.20 in his offer of the TWTR share price he will buy. The Dogecoin community immediately caught Musk's message by commenting with a Dogecoin meme.

Even so, the Dogecoin community, which is known to be generous and solid, tried to push DOGE's price to reach 1 US dollar per coin. Even though their efforts failed, the Dogecoin Foundation seems to be more aggressively strengthening the utility of DOGE as did Timothy Stebing and Michi Lumin, both of whom are trying to make Dogecoin transactions possible without the need to use the internet or offline.

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