
JAKARTA - According to the We Are Social report, in early 2022, internet users in Indonesia reached 204.7 million people. That means, this number increased by 2.1 million from the previous year.

The more internet users, the more massive the use of social media. Not only as a place to vent or upload videos and photos, but social media can also now be used as a medium for doing business.

Iqbal Irsyad, Chief Editor of VOI, for example, now uses almost all types of social media, from Helo, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as creative means to expand his audience.

"Although the content is substantially the same as what is shown on the website, creative friends make it look more attractive and more creative," said Iqbal in a Webinar Chat with Legislators with the theme "Utilizing Social Media Optimally" on Wednesday, April 13.

Iqbal uses social media to do branding and increase net views. This has been proven and acknowledged by Iqbal with an increase of around 5-10 percent increase in net views.

Tito Loho as Business Consultant and CEO of Tender Indonesia also confirmed this. He said that to start a business on social media, what must be instilled in new entrepreneurs is that social media is not a joke.

"Social media is not a complement, but one thing that cannot be avoided from people's lives. Social media can be a profession, also rich in Youtubers, content creators, and it becomes something promising," he said.

To build a good brand image, Tito emphasized that he would not just take photos or videos as promotional materials on social media.

"Playing social media has extraordinary benefits. Master the right thing, in particular, don't make videos or photos stupid. Don't make it easy so you just snap, upload, snap, just upload," he said.

Because according to Tito, good videos and photos are half the key to winning the business market in the world of social media.

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