
JAKARTA - Nissan revealed a prototype production facility in Yokohama, Japan, on Friday, April 8 where the company plans to manufacture solid-state batteries for use in electric vehicles.

Nissan said in a statement that it plans "to build a pilot production line at the Yokohama Plant in fiscal 2024, with materials, designs and manufacturing processes for prototype production on track to be studied at the prototype production facility." Nissan wants to bring its first EV with an all-solid-state battery to market by 2028.

All-solid-state batteries are electric car batteries that contain solid battery chemistry. In theory, these types of batteries can charge faster, store and hold more power, and last longer than partially used lithium-ion batteries. big EV now.

Reported by The Verge Nissan says it ultimately hopes to use batteries in its entire lineup of vehicles, including its pickup trucks. This all-solid-state battery is claimed to reduce the price of the battery pack to USD 75 (IDR 1.07 million) per kWh by 2028 and finally to USD 65 (IDR 934 thousand) per kWh.

Batteries will help make EVs much more affordable and ultimately put them at the same price point as gasoline-powered vehicles.

Other automakers are also working to develop solid-state batteries. Volkswagen-backed QuantumScape plans to start selling it in 2024. Even Ford says it will have solid-state batteries it is developing by the end of the decade.

Toyota said last year that it wanted to start producing batteries in the mid-2020s but said it should continue research into the technology. But for now, all-solid-state batteries are expensive to manufacture.

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